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International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

“Don’t be silent, don’t be patient! Seek help, tell and save yourself in time. You owe it to yourself, to your children. Stop the violence, don’t be a victim!”

EDbU Newsflash News

Manifesto of the EDbU on the Celebration of the European Day of Deafblind People 2023

Empowering the Vibrant Voice of the European Deafblind Community

The European Deafblind Union (EDbU), established in 2003 as a non-governmental, non-profit organization, commemorates its 20th anniversary as a European entity uniting national organizations of Deafblind people.


New EdbU committee executive members:

“Francisco Trigueros from Spain, has elected as the new president of the entity”

In Brussels took place last June 23 th and 24th the Annual General Assembly of EDbU and Forum 9th EDbU General Assembly, 1st Deafblind Elderly Forums, 3rd Deafblind Youth Forum with the slogan “Nothing about Deafblind without Deafblind”


2nd WFDB SHAPES Technical Workshop, 11-13 July 2022

Deafblindness increases exponentially with age: 6% of global population are older persons with deafblindness. At the 2nd WFDB Shapes Technical Workshop in Geneva, WFDB gathers feedback and experiences of individuals within this age group.

Francisco Trigueros, EDbU Representative, said: “We have a transition moment of persons who are not digitally literate, and now we’re in an age where everything is online.”


Webinar: ‘DeSIGNed Europe for Deafblind Women’

On the European Deafblind Day, October 22nd 2020.,  Webinar “DeSIGNed Europe for Deafblind Women” was organised by the European Deafblind Union – EDbU and Croatian association of deafblind persons, DODIR“.
Deafblind persons face many obstacles and challenges on a daily basis, but deafblind women also have to deal with multiple discrimination and inequality – based on their gender, disability, sensory deprivation and socio-economic exclusion.


Webinar: “DeSIGNed Europe for Deafblind Women”

Dear colleagues, associates and friends,


The European Deafblind Union (EDbU) and Croatian Association of Deafblind Persons “Dodir” are pleased to host our first Webinar: “DeSIGNed Europe for Deafblind Women” on 22nd of October  2020., the European Deafblind Day!


Previous events

  Webinar: “DeSIGNed Europe for Deafblind Women”

The European Deafblind Union (EDbU) and Croatian Association of Deafblind Persons “Dodir” are pleased to invite you to our


 Webinar: “DeSIGNed Europe for Deafblind Women”


under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy and the City of Zagreb

News Statements

COVID-19 and Deafblindness. Recommendations on inclusive policies from the global deafblind community.

In these times of turmoil, with the whole world severely affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, combined with other critical incidents like the recent earthquake in Zagreb, Croatia, we must ensure that those who are the most left behind, neglected, vulnerable and exposed to double isolation in any crisis, persons with deafblindness, are also equally protected according to Article 11 of the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).


EDF, ENIL and EDbU joint statement on protecting the high risk groups during the COVID 19

On the link below find the European Disability Forum, European Network on Independent Living – ENIL and European Deafblind Union joint statement on protecting the high risk groups during the COVID 19:



EDbU Event 2020 -NOTICE




Dear members, associates and friends,


On the behalf of the European Deafblind Union (EDbU) we are sending you this letter to inform you that the next EDbU event;