The European Deafblind Union (EDbU) and Croatian Association of Deafblind Persons “Dodir” are pleased to invite you to our
Webinar: “DeSIGNed Europe for Deafblind Women”
under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy and the City of Zagreb
Date: 22nd of October 2020.
Time of duration: 100 minutes
Platform: Facebook link
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak EDbU decided to hold its 4th Conference: „DeSIGNed Europe for Deafblind Women“ on-line via Webinar.
Deafblind people in general are facing many obstacles and challenges in everyday reality, but Deafblind women moreover have to fight with multiple discrimination and inequality based on their gender as well. That is why we would like to point out the importance of the supportive and inclusive environment, from family to work, education, right to full participation (access to health, communication, justice, public, political and cultural life).
The COVID-19 pandemic and the government response all around the EU created situations of severe infringement of the rights of the Deafblind persons, especially women where we unfortunately once more witnessed deafblind persons were being excluded, discriminated and forgotten from the society.
How can we proceed in the upcoming future to ensure that the human rights of persons with deafblindness especially women are upheld in this time of crisis?
This webinar will explore and aim to bring up a discussion on this topic but as well exchange the practices among countries in EU to build the bridges toward the more inclusive EU designed for deafblind women.
Moderator: Karla Silić
- Welcoming Speeches: ( 20 min)
Sanna Paasonen, Chairperson of the EDbU Db Women’s Group (IS)
Stephanie Floux, Chairperson of the EDbU Db Youth Group (IS)
Kerry Thompson, Senior Officer for Communications, Inclusion, & Analytics at
Disability Rights (Advocacy) Fund-DRF/DRAF (ASL)
- Key Speakers: (80 min)
- Ana Palaez, Vice-President of the European Disability Forum and member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women:
“The Impact of the Pandemic on Women and Girls with Disabilities, with Special Focus on Deafblind Women and Girls” (En)
- Anka Slošnjak, Croatian Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities:
“Women with Disabilities- experience of ombudsman for persons with disabilities in Croatia” (En)
- Petra Palenkaš, Chairperson of the Db Women’s group in “Dodir”
“Deafblind Women and Career Development” (En)
- Sanja Tarczay, president of the European Deafblind Union (EDbU)
“Discrimination or Activism? How to find a Db woman’s way?” (En +IS)
Next to the title of the lecture you may see a note which language does each speaker use.
All speeches will be translated on English language with provided caption.
The link to join the Webinar will be posted on EDbU Facebook page:
and our official website page:
If you have any questions please contact us on our e-mail address; or mobile number +385 91 3821 923.