4th EDbU Conference “DeSIGNed Europe for Deafblind Women”
3rd Deafblind Youth Forum, 1st Deafblind Elderly Forum
19th-21st of May, 2020. in Hotel Panorama, Zagreb
Under the auspices of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2020.
Dear colleagues, researches and students, we are inviting you to participate at the 4th EDbU Conference “DeSIGNed Europe for Deafblind Women”. We ask you to give your contribution to this conference which aim is to raise awareness of the inadequate and still vulnerable status of Deafblind women in Europe. Deafblind people in general are facing many obstacles and challenges in everyday reality, but Deafblind women moreover have to fight with multiple discrimination and inequality based on their gender as well. That is why we would like to point out the importance of the supportive and inclusive environment, from family, work, education, right to full participation (access to health, justice, public and political and cultural life) and communication. This conference would like to gather deafblind professionals, as well as the other professionals engage in this area of work, and other willing to advocate and work on making better reality for future Deafblind persons, and women to come.
We are kindly inviting you to submit your papers on the following topics:
Women in EU have 16% less average salary than men at same work. Adding the difficulties for Deafblind persons´ employment women get a really bad position in the labour market. European countries should work on encouraging the employment opportunities, support and professional engagement of Deafblind women. And promote the independent and quality living. Moreover, women are more likely to take care of their family what is another aggravating factor for Deafblind women in the labour market related to the work-family conflict. We should work on developing supportive environment that will encourage and make it easier for Deafblind women to become contributing and equal citizens of their community.
Deafblind women should have equal access to the health care, which also include a right to gynecologist. It seems that there have been ignorance of this topic from the government since the intimate and sexual life of people with disabilities cannot be heard very often in the discussion about rights of people with disabilities. Reproductive rights of all women have been neglected nowadays and in some cases even violated, but we should not let it stay a tabu.
With the improving life quality, and opportunities for people with disabilities, mostly in terms of access to education, we are witnessing more and more Deafblind professionals. Also, in many EU member countries women have already overcome number of man in higher education. Some may ask, isn’t that what we wanted? But still, it looks like man still have better chances at becoming a leader in terms of higher job position or just more respected from other colleagues. It looks like Deafblind women have an impossible mission to overcome all the obstacles regarding difficult path till getting a Degree, but also later to gain a respect as a women deafblind professional.
As getting older, deafblind persons are like every other older member of the community, getting more dependent and in need for professional help. As EU community in general is aging, overcoming 20% of the population that is over 65years old we should take this challenge very seriously. Deafblind elderly should be taken care of and left in good hands once they would not be able to care of themselves. They also deserve an environment where they will be able to communicate, to socialise, and be engaged in new activities. Being old does not mean stop living, but for that we need to develop adequate care services adjusted individual needs, including professionals, and institutions specialised just for work with Deafblind person.
Predicted time is 15-20 minutes for each presentation and 30 minutes for discussion at the end of each session.
The authors are invited to submit abstracts on English language, length between 400 and 600 words (not including name, organisation and authors), Arial, size 12pt.
Abstract should include the following sections addressing:
- authors´ full names and title
- aim and approach used
- scientific innovation and relevance
- results or preliminary results and conclusions
- 3-5 key words at the end
Abstracts should be sent to e-mail: conference@dodir.hr. International scientific board will review the abstracts and decide about their acceptance for oral presentation at the conference.
The important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: 2nd of March 2020
Notification of abstract acceptance: 1st of April 2020
Deadline for final paper submission: 15th of April 2020
Each participant including deafblind participants, interpreters, assistants, family members etc. has to complete the registration form online:
Interpretation: Interpretation will be provided in Croatian, English, Croatian Sign language and International Sign language. Speech to text will be provided.
The organizer reserve the right of making changes in the program.
For any relevant questions, you can send your request to the official e-mail; conference@dodir.hr
Looking forward to seeing you in Zagreb.
European Deafblind Union (EDbU)