Rules of procedure of the EDbU Executive Committee

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Following the EDbU Constitution article VI, section 6.3.4, paragraph h,

The EDbU Executive Committee establishes its rule of procedure:

Article 1: Responsibilities of the Office-Bearers and Auditors.

1.1: The President.

The President shall be responsible for:

  1. The representation of the EDbU.
  2. The convocation of the meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee.
  3. The administration of the EDbU‘s activities.
  4. The functioning of the EDbU Executive Committee.
  5. The preparation and presentation of the four-year reports of the EDbU.

1.2: The Vice-President.

The Vice President shall be responsible for:

  1. Being conversant with the work and activities of the President.
  2. Undertaking some tasks delegated by the president if she or he is unable to carry out one or more of their assigned duties.
  3. Deputising for the President in the event of his or her absence.
  4. Replacing the President if he or she retires before the end of their term of office as President.
  5. The establishment and maintenance of contacts with European organizations operating in the area of Deafblindness and disability.

1.3: The Secretary General.

The Secretary General shall be responsible for:

  1. The administration of The membership register and all related matters.
  2. The custody of all relevant documents.
  3. The daily correspondence of the EDbU, not related to that of the other members of the Executive Committee.

1.4: The Treasurer.

The treasurer shall be responsible for:

  1. The financial matters of the EDbU.
  2. The preparation of annual budgets.
  3. The preparation and presentation of the annual accounts of the EDbU.
  4. The fund-raising and administration of the funds of the EDbU.

1.5: The two further Officials.

The Officials shall be responsible for:

  1. Undertaking any of the assigned business of the EDbU that does not relate to the responsibilities of the other members of the Executive Committee.
  2. Assisting other Office-Bearers in their assigned duties.
  3. Providing consultancy related to EDbU matters for EDbU members and others.

1.6: The two Auditors.

The Auditors shall be responsible for:

  1. The inspection of the activities of the Executive Committee to check that the management of the EDbU works in accordance with the Constitution, By-laws, decisions of the General Assembly, and effective laws.
  2. The examination of the management of the finances of the EDbU.
  3. The preparation and presentation of the Auditors’ report to the General Assembly.

Article 2


The Executive Committee shall have the authority to remove an Office-Bearer or the Editor of the EDbU Newsletter from their role if that person does not fulfil his or her responsibilities, and the executive committee may appoint a replacement for the person who has been removed from office. During one term of the Executive Committee, such a change can be applied to no more than two (2) of the Office-Bearers.


The Executive Committee shall establish such standing committees as it may deem necessary for carrying out the aims and functions of the EDbU.

Article 3: Voting at the Executive Committee meetings.


All decisions of the Executive Committee shall be on the basis of voting by those persons entitled to vote.


Each Office-Bearer has one vote for voting at the Executive Committee.

3.3 : Voting.


There shall be two types of votes: open voting carried out by a show of hands, and hidden voting carried out by secret ballot.


All voting shall be carried out by a show of hands unless a simple majority of those present and voting demands a secret ballot.

3.4: Quorum.

The Executive Committee shall have a quorum when at least three Office-Bearers are present.

3.5: Decisive majorities.


All decisions shall be determined by a simple majority of the votes of those who are present and voting.


In the event of a tied vote in the Executive Committee, the President or her/his substitute has the final casting vote.

Article 4: Amendments to the rules of procedure.

The Executive Committee approves amendments to the Rules of procedure. Approval of amendments of this rules of procedure requires two-thirds (2/3) majority of all votes cast in the Executive Committee meeting.

Approved by the Executive Committee meeting in Tuusula, Finland, May 22th 2012.