
Condolences to Mr. Dimitar Parapanov family, friends and colleagues

Dear Deafblind friends and colleagues,


The EDbU is saddened by the unexpected news on the death of our friend Mr. Dimitar Parapanov, the former EDbU’s Auditor and president of National Association of the Deafblind in Bulgaria (NADbBg).

The EDbU Board along with all the members of the European Deafblind Union, would like to express our most sincere condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Dimitar and to the National Association of the Deafblind in Bulgaria (NADbBg) to which Dimitar was devoted the most.


Dimitar has always been our beloved friend, an excellent partner and a very valuable member for the Deafblind community, not only in Bulgaria but in the world as well, noticing especially his work within the EDbU where we have had the privilege of working beside him. 


Dimitar will always be in our hearts and minds.

The EDbU will always miss him and keep his memory forever.