News Archive

The proposal of the EDBU newsletter

The name of the EDBU newsletter


My motto: “I would like to overcome the gap separating the world of the deafblind and the world which is not disabled.”

Target group

The EDBU newsletter is for deafblind people who want to get news from the deafblind field within Europe. The EDBU newsletter is also for their families, friends, professionals from different fields who want to understand deafblind people.

The EDBU newsletter is for people who want to break through the ice between the two different worlds and to find a way to our mutual understanding.

Proposed columns

I propose the following columns:

1. Hi Europe!
2. Social policy
News from the European Parliament on Social Affairs and Disability.
3. News from EDBU
Interesting news from EDBU members.
4. Interviews
Interviews with interesting personalities from the deafblind field according to the interests of our readers.
5. Life stories
Deafblind readers, their families, friends or professionals can send in their positive and negative experiences, and their views on different topics within deafblindness. This is somewhere to share our experiences of merry and sad events and to get some feed back from all different points of view.
6. Our hobbies and interests
Presenting the hobbies and interests of deafblind readers based upon their own articles, letters, emails, for example on cooking, art, gardening etc.
7. My life with compensation aids
Sharing deafblind people own experiences with compensation aids, and bringing news about the latest aids and equipment.
8. Meetings and Conferences
Information about upcoming and planned conferences and seminars on deafblidness, and meetings of deafblind people.
9. Review
Information about literature on deafblindness.

Type of the EDBU newsletter

An e-mail newsletter which will be published on the planned EDBU websites.

How will the information be gathered?

Gathering the information from feedback, stories, articles and by interviewing will be by email communication + by searching of websites

How often will the Newsletter be published?

Once or twice a year (according to my work and time pressures. I should have more time for Newsletter preparation in the summer and winter.)

Ordering and distribution

Ordering and distribution will be by email, ordering through the application form send by email or downloaded from EDBU websites and sent to the editor (I would keep my own database of readers)

Address for sending contributions and orders

I might have my own special email address created under lorm, for example or within EDBU ( depending on EDBU possibilities


I am willing to prepare and distribute the newsletter without any financial requirements.

LORM – the Society for the Deafblind would in future welcome some financial support for covering some overhead charges connected to the project.

My statement (announcement)

I am willing to prepare the EDBU newsletter without any financial requirements. But I shall require the cooperation of EDBU members and our readers.
“All contributors to the EDBU newsletter will be its co-authors.”

Name and contact

Mgr. Marta Karásková
GSM: +420 777 764 192

LORM´s address:

LORM – the Society for the deafblind, Zborovska 62, 150 00 Prague 5, the Czech Rep., tel/fax: +420 257 325 478,,