Minutes of the 2nd Founding General assembly for an international sports organization for persons with deafblindness (ISFDB), Bergen, Norway, 11.10.2008

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Held within the framework of the meeting of the EDBU Executive Committee, Bergen, Norway, 9-11.10.2008, under point 12 on the agenda.


Mr. Dimitar Parapanov, Mr. Geir Jensen, Mr. Sergey Sirotkin, Ms. Sanja Tarczaj, Ms. Mona-Britt Broberg.

There were also interpreters present.

Chairman of the meeting: Sergey Sirotkin.

Keeper of the minutes: Geir Jensen

Item for processing: Report from the The First European Festival of Specific Abilities of Persons with Deafblindness, Varna, Bulgaria, September 1-9, 2008.

Mr. Dimitar Parapanov had in advance produced and distributed the following documents:

  • An Official Report of The First European Festival of Specific Abilities of Deaf-blind People, Varna, Bulgaria, September 1-9 2008.
  • Minutes of the Scientific Conference: “Sports and culture – means of social integration of deaf-blind people”, Varna, Bulgaria, 08.09.2008.
  • Minutes of the Founding General Assembly of an international sports organization for persons with deaf-blindness, Varna, Bulgaria, 08.09.2008.
  • Preliminary Draft Constitution of the International Sports Federation of Deafblind Persons (ISFDB).

Sergey Sirotkin opened the proceedings. He thereafter gave the word to Dimitar Parapanov.

Dimitar Parapanov, among other things, informed that he had been working together with Geir Jensen on the presented documents. Thereafter he thanked Sergey, Sanja and Geir and who had been present at the First Establishing Assembly.

Sergey Sirotkin said that he would like an evaluation of the European Festival of Specific Abilities of Persons with Deafblindness as a whole.

Geir Jensen summarized the Sports and Cultural Festival in Bulgaria. He referred, among other things, to the report that had been presented and the two minutes, and said that the festival in Varna was a well organized event, and that Dimitar Parapanov and his interpreter Svetlo deserved a big thank you for organizing and realizing such a large event in such a good way. The Norwegian delegation had noticed that the mood and spirit was very good, and that people were having fun and a general good time. He then proposed that the 2nd Establishing Assembly take the report and minutes from the festival in Varna as information, and that the work for sports and cultural activities for persons with deafblindness must continue. The next festival is planned to be in Bulgaria in 2014, in 6 years.

It was proposed that Geir Jensen should make contact with the legal professionals of The Norwegian Confederation of Sports and other organizations to seek advice in the process of constructing a draft Constitution for the sports federation.

All participants were given the word for comments and suggestions.

There was agreement that the Sports and Cultural Festival in Bulgaria had been a successful event and that the work on sports activities for persons with deafblindness must continue. There was also agreement to take the report and the two minutes of the sports and cultural festival in Bulgaria as information.

Sergey Sirotkin thanked Dimitar Parapanov and Svetlo for their efforts, with ensuing applause.

He then said , among other things, that the EDbU will support the Sports Federation in any way possible, and agreed that Geir Jensen should seek expert advice regarding finishing the work on the Draft Constitution of the ISFDB.

The Draft Constitution of the European Sports Federation of the Deafblind will be processed at the 3rd Establishing General Assembly of the sports federation, to be held within the framework of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the EDbU, in Budapest, Hungary, 19-22 March, 2009.

Bergen, Norway, 11, 10, 2008

Dimitar Parapanov
President NADbB

Geir Jensen
President, FNDB